
As nature awakes in spring, so do the busy bees, which begin their search for the flower nectar from which, after a lot of hard work by many other bees and beekeepers, a unique gift of nature and a guardian of human health is made – honey.
It this ecologically clean area, rich with aromatic and medicinal herbs, bees could find only the best ingredients of the highest quality. This is reflected in the honey made in Kanfanar. The story about this gift, which is made by the union of nature, the bee and the man, could be told to the visitors by all hard working beekeepers from Kanfanar:
Atilio Maružin
Place: Maružini
Contact: +385 98 161 5547
OPG Sebastijan Marić
Place: Marići
Contact: +385 91 581 4381
OPG Meden
Place: Kanfanar
Contact: +385 91 169 9716